
14 October 2022

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Caesar salad, where is it really coming from?

Caesar salad, where is it really coming from?


As much as we can think that the Caesar salad is related to the Roman general and statesman Jules Ceasar in Italy, this salad has quite an interesting story – It was actually created in Tijuana, Mexico.

Caesar Cardini, an italiano-mexican restaurateur and hotel owner, was running short on ingredients during America Independence Day celebrations on July 4, 1924. He then decided to improvise a dish using romaine lettuce, raw egg yolk, Parmesan cheese and other leftovers – A last-minute creation that turned to be a new sensation from coast to coast. With the dish’ successfulness spreading across the globe in the 40s, the Cardinis decided to patent their recipe in 1948. Through years, chefs around the world decided to recreate this famous dish and add their personal touch like adding croutons, bacon, or/and maple syrup.

Today, you can taste this story behind the Caesar salad here in Conakry at the Avenue Restaurant. As an appetizer or a main course, this dish will suit your palet at any time of the day.